
  • Nutritious – good for your body
  • Nutrition – the process of obtaining food necessary for growth and health  
  • Variety – a lot of different
  • Food allergy – a condition that causes illness if you eat certain foods
  • Food intolerance – a condition when you cannot digest certain food properly, for example, lactose intolerance
  • Vital – very important
  • Moderate – neither small nor large
  • Free-range – relating to farm animals that are not kept in cages
  • Serving – portion
  • To eliminate – totally remove
  • Cut down on smth – to have less of smth
  • Fattening – makes you fat
  • Appetite – desire to eat
  • Strongly advise – to recommend
  • Balanced diet – you eat all the right food your body needs
  • Snack – small amount of food between meals
  • Obese (adj) – unhealthy overweight (obesity – noun)
  • To digest – to change food into substances your body can use for health and growth
  • Fibre – The parts of fruit, vegetables and grain that your body cannot digest.

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