Josh works for a company which produces1 furniture. He doesn’t work in the factory where the furniture is produced, but in the offices across the road.

His job involves2 quite a lot of paperwork3. He types4 letters to different companies, sends out invoices5 to customers and sends emails.

He also has to arrange6 visits to other companies, make appointments7 for his boss, and sometimes he shows visitors round the factory. Occasionally he has to attend8 meetings with his boss, but one of Josh’s most important tasks is to organise9 the office party every year.

  1. makes 6 plan and prepare

  2. includes doing 7 arrange a time when you meet someone

  3. work that uses paper, e.g. reports, forms 8 go to; fml

  4. writes using a keyboard 9 plan and arrange

  5. w much the customer has to pay

Office problems

Josh is having a bad day today. The photocopier has broken down , the computer isn’t working and the printer has run out of2 paper. On top of that, two of his colleagues3 are absent4, just when there is loads of5 work to do.

  1. stopped working 4 not in the office; syn off

  2. has no more 5 lots of; infml

  3. work with

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