Family words
A family tree for some of Anne and Ivan Sorokin’s relatives or relations.
Ivan and Anne and their children
Ivanis Anne’s husband and Karen and Jack’s father. Anne is Ivan’s wife and Karen and Jack’s mother.
Anne and Ivan are Karen and Jack’s parents.
Karen is Anne and Ivan’s daughter. Jack is their son. Karen is Jack’s sister. Jackis Karen’s brother.
Henry and Diana
Henryis Karenand Jack’s grandfather. Dianaistheir grandmother. Henryand Dianaare Karenand Jack’s grandparents.
Karenis Henryand Diana’s granddaughter. Jackistheir grandson.
Amelia, Georgeand Meena
Georgeis Karenand Jack’s uncle.
Ameliaand Meenaare Karenand Jack’s aunts.
Karenis Amelia, Georgeand Meena’s niece. Jackistheir nephew. Kavitaand Raviare Karenand Jack’s cousins.
Have you got any brothers and sisters? No, Iam an only child.
Do you come from a big family? Yes, I have three brothers and two sisters.
Common mistakes
We say ‘my/his wife’ (singular) but ‘our/their wives’ (plural).