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мероприятие Polygamy should be legalized уже прошло

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мероприятие Polygamy should be legalized уже прошло

After some hesitations, we have chosen a quite delicate but at the same time interesting topic for our discussion.

Polygamy - is an essential part of human history, whether we like it or not, and, what is most interesting about it, this social phenomenon is still present in one-third of the world. Yes, in Europe, the US and other developed countries, this issue is closed at the legislative level. However, in the global society there is no single answer to the question of how to relate to polygamy.

So, the topic we are going discuss is “Polygamy should be legalized". What is your opinion? Do you support or condemn a family consisting of more than just two spouses?

Watch this quick video to get a better idea about the topic

Use the comment form to express your opinion providing some kind of explanation why you think so. 

В этом месяце

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Комментариев (2)

  • 1


    Hey, guys! What do you think about polygamy? Would you like to have multiple wives?   wink
    00:42, 14.03.2018
  • 0


    I think most guys would be interested in having many wives angry
    21:27, 29.09.2018
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