Когда: 14.01.2018 в 18:44
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DATE: 23.01.2025 TIME 03:02 / OTHER13 OTHER14 Обрезание 23.01.2025 23 14.01.2018 14

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мероприятие Valentines Day congratulation! уже прошло

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мероприятие Valentines Day congratulation! уже прошло
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мероприятие Valentines Day congratulation! уже прошло

In modern context, Valentines Day is celebrated as an occasion when lovers express their love towards each other. It falls on February 14 and coincides with the day on which St. Valentine was martyred. The popularity of Valentines Day is immense and it is observed as holiday in several countries including United States.

On Valentines Day, lovers exchange gifts and valentine cards. People also donate to charity and gift candies on this day. Flowers are the most popular gifts for Valentine's Day. Among flowers, rose is most liked and gifted. It is said that red rose is gifted to express love where as yellow rose and other flowers are gifted for pure friendship.

This day is closely marked with mutual exchange of love notes or valentines between the lovers. Previously, handwritten love notes and love poems were exchanged, but later from 19th century onwards-mass scale production of Greeting Cards started. This development also gave rise to the commercialization of thus far a sacred Valentines Day.

The main symbols of Valentine's Day are the heart shaped outlines and the figures of winged Cupid. Numerous gift items flood the gift shops, as Valentines Day gets closer. Customized valentine cards are also a major attraction of the gifts shops. Greeting Cards sites come with new and fresh valentine e-cards. E cards cover wide themes on valentine like valentine kiss cards, valentine flowers cards, valentine teddy cards, valentine friends cards etc.

Valentine cards are a popular thing to convey the tender emotions of individuals. After Christmas cards, valentine cards are the most circulated cards. This day is more popular in women than men, a source says. A vast amount of information is circulated through various mediums on unique Valentine day ideas and tips, party destinations, gift shops, flower centers etc. Newspapers, TV channels and radio channels air programs and stories related to this day from weeks before the actual Valentine's Day.

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