Когда: 28.01.2019 в 11:29
Скрипт перевода LASTMOD
Скрипт перевода TIMESTAMP
DATE: 02.02.2025 TIME 12:51 / OTHER13 OTHER14 Обрезание 02.02.2025 02 28.01.2019 28

Сравнение с датой и временем добавления
мероприятие TRAVEL vocabulary пройдёт 28.01.2019 в 11:29

Сравнение текущей даты с ADD_DATE используя substr
мероприятие TRAVEL vocabulary уже прошло
Сравнение текущей даты с OTHER13 используя substr
02 > 02 >
мероприятие TRAVEL vocabulary уже прошло
Are you looking for a free, easy, step-by-step guide on how to start a blog?

My free guide on this page will show you how to create a blog that is beautiful and functional, all in an easy step-by-step tutorial (with pictures).

Ready to start the simple step-by-step tutorial? Click here to go to Step #1
The Blog Starter's tutorial on how to start a blog for beginners
Are you looking for a free, easy, step-by-step guide on how to start a blog?

My free guide on this page will show you how to create a blog that is beautiful and functional, all in an easy step-by-step tutorial (with pictures).

Ready to start the simple step-by-step tutorial? Click here to go to Step #1
The Blog Starter's tutorial on how to start a blog for beginners Are you looking for a free, easy, step-by-step guide on how to start a blog?

My free guide on this page will show you how to create a blog that is beautiful and functional, all in an easy step-by-step tutorial (with pictures).

Ready to start the simple step-by-step tutorial? Click here to go to Step #1
The Blog Starter's tutorial on how to start a blog for beginners

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