Do you often think about other people? Or are you so selfish that you only care about yourself and your
own needs? Do our quiz and find out whether you are self-centred or not.
1. You’ve just entered a bar with some friends. What do you do?
a) I ask everyone what they want, and go and order the drinks.
b) I rush up to the bar and get myself a drink quickly.
2. A work colleague has just found out that he has a terrible illness. How do you react?
a) I tell him how sorry I am, and ask if he’d like to talk about it. I also offer my assistance for anything he may need.
b) I tell him how I’ve been feeling a bit ill recently too.
3. What’s your favourite topic of conversation?
a) Whatever anyone else wants to talk about – the latest news, a bit of celebrity gossip, anything really.
b) ME!
4. You’re stranded on a desert island with a group of people. You find a coconut tree. What do you do?
a) I get all the coconuts and share them with the others.
b) I secretly take all the coconuts and hide them so I can eat them later.
5. You see an elderly gentleman drop his wallet in the street. What do you do?
a) I run after him and give the wallet to him.
b) I put my foot on the wallet, and then, when no one’s looking, I slip it into my pocket.
6. A friend’s relative has just died. What do you do?
a) I comfort him or her.
b) I tell him or her about all my relatives who have died.
7. A friend has just lost her job and is feeling a bit depressed. What do you do?
a) I spend an afternoon helping her find another one.
b) I tell her how fantastic my job is.
8. You’ve been out walking in the mountains with some friends. You’re all very hungry and you’ve just arrived home. What do you do?
a) I offer to go out and buy a takeaway for everyone.
b) I sneak off to the kitchen and stuff myself with everything in the fridge.
to rush up (to a place) exp
to go to a place very quickly
the latest news n
the most recent news
gossip n
information about people’s personal
stranded adj
if you are “stranded”, you cannot
leave a place because of bad
weather, an accident, etc
to share vb
to give everyone in a group a
part of something
to drop vb
if you “drop” something, it falls
from your hand, pocket, etc
a wallet n
an object men use to carry money,
credit cards, etc
to slip something into your
pocket n
to put something into your pocket
with one smooth movement
a relative n
an uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, etc
to comfort vb
to help someone feel less
worried, sad, etc
a takeaway n
a meal you buy and take with you
to eat at home or somewhere else
to sneak off phr vb
to leave a place secretly without
telling anyone
to stuff yourself exp
to eat a lot more food than you need
starving adj
very, very hungry
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