a check-in desk n
the area in an airport where you show your ticket and give them your luggage
spare adj
a “spare” seat is a seat that isn’t being used by anyone – it’s extra
live adj
a “live” animal is alive (not dead)
a boarding card n
a piece of paper that gives you permission to go on the plane
space n
an area that is empty and available
an overhead locker n
the area above the seats in a plane where you can put bags
to land vb
when a plane “lands”, it comes to the ground in a controlled manner
a seat back n
the back of a chair – the part that your back touches as you're sitting down
a taxi stand n
a place in the road where you can wait for taxis
a boot n
the part at the back of a car where you can put bags, etc. A “trunk” in US English
to decline vb
if your credit card is “declined”, it won’t work
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