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мероприятие Animal idioms уже прошло

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мероприятие Animal idioms уже прошло

In this post we are looking at some general animal idioms.

Be foxed

If you’re “foxed” by something, you cannot understand it.

“He explained the theory to me, but I was completely foxed.”

Get (on) your goat

if something “gets on your goat”, it annoys you.

“People pushing past me on the Underground really gets my goat.”

Monkey business

Silly behaviour; dishonest actions.

“These company accounts aren’t in order. I think there’s some monkey business going on.”

Act like a lemming

To act without thinking; to act without considering the consequences or potential dangers.

“They raced down the road like lemmings to get to the shop before it opened.”

[A lemming is a small animal that commits suicide by jumping off a cliff and into the sea.]

Eat a horse

if you say that you could “eat a horse”, you’re saying that you’re really hungry.

“I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning. I could eat a horse.”

Have a frog in your throat

To be unable to speak clearly because you have air trapped in your throat. You need to cough and force the air out in order to speak properly.

“Excuse me, I’ve got a frog in my throat.”

Monkey business

Silly behaviour; dishonest actions.

“These company accounts aren’t in order. I think there’s some monkey business going on.”

Act like a lemming

To act without thinking; to act without considering the consequences or potential dangers.

“They raced down the road like lemmings to get to the shop before it opened.”

[A lemming is a small animal that commits suicide by jumping off a cliff and into the sea.]

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